Healthcare Provider Training Opportunity

June 7, 2023

The Georgia Statewide Disability & Health program at Center for Leadership in Disability (CLD) invites all healthcare providers, health service workers, and related staff to complete two free virtual trainings!

These Responsive Practice training provide information about and strategies for identifying, addressing, and removing barriers to health care for individuals with disabilities.


Responsive Practice 1: Providing Health Care Screening to Individuals with Disabilities

Course overview: Online, on-demand & free for a limited time. Helps health care providers to:

  • Describe disparities in health experienced by people with disabilities.
  • Recognize barriers people with disabilities face when accessing health care & preventive services.
  • Acquire strategies & approaches to provide disability-competent, responsive care.

Responsive Practice 2: Accessible and Adaptive Communication

Course overview: Health care providers earn professional credit while learning to:

  • Presume that patients with disabilities are competent to understand, communicate, and participate in their own care.
  • Identify and use alternative methods of communication.
  • Set clear and reasonable expectations for future communications to be successful.

For questions contact Sydnie Smith, M.Ed., Program Manager:


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