Healthy Habits and Technology Predictions for 2024

January 2, 2024

Healthy Habits for the New Year

It is easy to make New Year Resolutions to improve your health. It is not always easy to keep them up and create lifelong habits to improve your overall health.

Here are 8 Common New Year’s Resolutions from the Cleveland Clinic:

  1. Eat Healthier
  2. Work Out More
  3. Drink Less
  4. Manage Stress
  5. Quit Smoking
  6. Cook More
  7. Improve Work-life Balance
  8. Prioritize Mental Health

Click here to read more about practical ways to maintain your 2024 goals from the Cleveland Clinic.

6 Generative AI Predictions for 2024

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the ability of software to perform tasks that humans are capable of.

Here are six generative AI predictions from TechTarget for 2024:

  1. Continued adoption – It’s somewhat common for industries to go from a hype phase, where generative AI currently sits, to a period of waning interest: the dreaded trough of disillusionment. There will be continued adoption of generative AI.
  2. Multimodality – Multimodal AI enables end users to interact with generative AI in ways that go beyond just text — think images, audio and video. Multimodal AI will bring a new level of productivity to several industries.
  3. Open source- Open source will continue to pave the way for broader generative AI adoption. Organizations want control, transparency and the ability to customize open-source models by incorporating their own data.
  4. Responsible AI- improving responsible AI capabilities through open innovation.
  5. Regulation- 2024 will be the year of establishing clear laws to govern AI, and I believe this will happen at both a national and global level.
  6. Organizational exposure- Organizations will be exposed for overstepping or lacking policies in 2024.

Read More: 6 generative AI predictions for 2024 | TechTarget


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