HI-BRIDGE HIE Highlights for January 2024
January 31, 2024

HI-BRIDGE Health Information Exchange (HIE) offers access to up-to-date patient clinical record data among participating members through the electronic information exchange with the Georgia Health Information Network (GaHIN) and the national eHealth Exchange platforms at the point of care.
HI-BRIDGE HIE services include enhancing access to timely patient clinical information through both query-based exchange and ADT alerting services to facilitate and support patient coordination of care.
The numbers in the graphic above represent the total data and document activity for HI-BRIDGE HIE for January 2024.
ADTs Received: Admissions, Discharges, and Transfers (ADT) activity alerts received from GaHIN’s contributing facilities.
CCDs Received: Clinical Care Documents (CCDs) retrieved through query-based exchange.
Total External Documents: Total patient records returned from all external connected sources.
Current Patients: Patient records contributed by HI-BRIDGE HIE participating members.
New Patients: New patient records added by HI-BRIDGE HIE participating members.